I like to go to a super public bathhouse.
I go to a super public bathhouse once or twice a month recently
but in the past I went every weekend.
I have ever been to more than 30 super public bathhouses
in or around Tokyo.
The day before yesterday I went to 華の湯 in 成田
because it was a national holiday then.
It costs only 800 yen even on Saturday, Sunday and national holiday.
One of the students in our school recommended it for me in the past,
and I remember it suddenly, so I decided to go to this bathhouse.
This bathhouse has two kinds of bath style.
One is Japanese style, and the other is Eastern style.
This time I entered the Eastern one,
but I may prefer the Japanese one.
I have seen the Japanese style on only the homepage,
and the Japanese style seems better for me.
Someday I want to try the Japanese one if I go there again.
Which super public bathhouse do you recommend for me?
Homepage of this super bathhouse
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