We have only 13 days except today this year.
How was your 2010? My year 2010 was very normal.
One of the biggest events is that I bought a new car.
It was very exciting, and still I enjoy going for a drive in my car.
By the way, what is your objective for 2011?
Now I have three objectives for 2011.
One of them is that I want to watch more movies next year.
These three or four years, I haven't watched a lot of movies.
I watch my favorite movies very repeatedly (more than 20 times)
but I want to look for my new favotite movies.
This year I was very interested in
looking for my favorite picture books and reading them.
Like this, I want to be interested in finding my favorite movies.
Stories give a power to us. Stories can motivate us.
Do you have your favorite stories?
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