I hadn't written my blog since January 19th....
because I had been too busy.... Excuse me, please.
By the way, on 30th of January,
I went to TOkyo German Village near 木更津.
This is located in 袖ヶ浦 city in 千葉 prefecture,
and the nearest station is 袖ヶ浦 on 内房線.
I went there to see the illumination.
This illumination is very very famous,
and this year is the 5th year.
However, I didn't know this event,
and one frined of mine told it to me.
Coincidentally I watched this event on TV, too
after I heard from the friend.

The scale of the illumination is very big.
Tokyo German Village is very very huge,
and on the hill they hold the illumination event.
The price is also very very reasonable.
It costs only 1,000 yen per ONE CAR.
Not one person but ONE CAR.
It costs 250 yen if there are 4 people in a car,
it costs 166 yen if there are 6 people in a car.
This is amazing!! And we don't need any fee except it.
From 新小岩 to Tokyo German Village
it takes only one hour by car if you use an express way.
How close it is!! How reasonable it is!! How beautiful it is!!
This year the illumination would be held until the 13th of Feburary,
but they decided to extend the final day.
You can see this until the 20th of February.
You can check more details on "http://www.t-doitsumura.co.jp/"
Anyway I strongly recommend this!

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